About Us

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Ed is a fireman, Ad is a doctor, and we are both mad keen climbers. Ed is a rock warrior, and a great all rounder too, Ad is steady at all disciplines, but particularly loves the hardships of winter climbing and mountaineering. He keeps fit running and on the bike. We are both from Shrewsbury, where the nearest we have to a climbing club is the shop 'Highsports'. The owner, Stuart is a famous climber and mountaineer, and keeps us locals psyched with a great shop, a great website ( http://www.highsports.co.uk/ ) and a great winter lecture series. Mad for it!

Thursday, 25 February 2010

The Wand, Craig Meagaidh

You know those photos, the ones that inspire you and capture your imagination as soon as you see them? Well that's how it all started with The Wand. I remember seeing this photo from a supplement in Climb Magazine, about Scottish Winter Climbing and being utterly blown away. This was way before I had ever done any ice climbing myself, so the idea that one day I might be good enough to climb routes like this seemed an impossibility.

Well, last Saturday, Roel and I headed over to Craig Meagaidh with no particular route in mind, and when we realised there was no one on The Wand we just had to give it a crack. Roel led the first pitch, I led the second.

The climbing was brilliant, the only criticism was that the route is so short - and when the climbing's that good you want it to go on for ever.

After the route we headed up to the summit which was a fair old trek. All in all an amazing day, with the best weather I've ever experienced in Scotland. I've been a very lucky boy this season!


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