About Us

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Ed is a fireman, Ad is a doctor, and we are both mad keen climbers. Ed is a rock warrior, and a great all rounder too, Ad is steady at all disciplines, but particularly loves the hardships of winter climbing and mountaineering. He keeps fit running and on the bike. We are both from Shrewsbury, where the nearest we have to a climbing club is the shop 'Highsports'. The owner, Stuart is a famous climber and mountaineer, and keeps us locals psyched with a great shop, a great website ( http://www.highsports.co.uk/ ) and a great winter lecture series. Mad for it!

Sunday, 18 April 2010

Cloggy and The Thumb

This weekend, with a great weather forecast, Ed and I headed up to Cloggy. Cloggy is the ultimate mountain crag, and certainly a contender for the best cliff in the UK.

The only problem is the weather - it has to be dry for ages before it can be climbed. We have had numerous failed attempts in the past where its been too wet, and the only time we've actually managed to climb on Cloggy before, mid way through a summer heat wave, we got rained off half way up our first route during a freak storm!

It's also North facing, and cold, so climbing up there in April is a risk. But after a couple of weeks of dry weather it was a risk we felt worth taking!

And the risk paid off... One of the best days of mountain crag climbing we've ever had! Four classics in one day; Vember, Troach, Silhouette and Great Wall, the classic climb of the crag.

As soon, as you get off the ground, you're way out there. Here Ed is seen at the first belay of the day!

Ad tackling the sustained, and absolutely brilliant crack pitch on Silhouette.

Ed on the first pitch of Great Wall, with evening drawing in.

What an amazing end to the day... Topping out on Great Wall with the sun setting over Lanberris!

Today we needed a rest! We headed up to The Thumb in the Llanberris Pass. This monolith is perhaps the Welsh equivalent to Napes Needle. We went up via Thumb Crack, HVS, and then top-roped an E6 on the other side.

Another great weekend!


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